lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Muay Thai

Before all, i've to say that after of start this year, i don't practice any sport, because i don't have time, but i think that the main reason is because i'm now a lazybones jejeje, but untill the summer i was practice muay thai. It's a thai kickboxing, probably one of the most efficent martial arts created by the man, even when in america, the abstract concept, has being misunderstood, for that reason it's a global sport, and also, because it's one of the sports where you can hit in more places on the body, without make a fault, in difference of kick boxing and full contact.
Well about the rules i'll write about the main importants, because there is a lot.
Before all, like every sport, it's a foul if you deliberately strike the groin area, if it's chance, you've least points, but that could be a reason to loose the fight, every foul to remove points of you, the highest score is 10, you can't strike with you head or heel, you can kick the body of your opponent, but if it's a frontal kick, you only can strike over the waist, you can strike in the back of the neck and in the back, that are places that normally you can't strike, you can't hold the rope, and you can't to hang your opponent, because it's a sport of projection, the material rules about the ring, referee, and number of rounds, depend of the country, but normally, there is rounds of 3 minutes.
I like this sport because even when it's violent and hard, and when i'm not tall or big, is very disciplined and tidy up your life, you feel better, more clever, and when you've a lot of angry inside, is the best way to channel it, and after you feel clean witout angry or bad feelings.
Now i'm not practice this, but in two weeks i'll comeback, after the exams.

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

This photograph was taken by Gary Go, a photographer of Paula's magazine but usually he take photos in hardcore's shows for some band of Gary Go's friends or bands that he admires, also he do it free, just for passion (normally). This photograph shows the Bane's show in Santiago, as a part of the sudamerican tour of the band.
The photograph was taken on march 20, in Piraña Rock's bar, a place that normally there are many international shows.
I like this photograph a lot, because shows all the energy of these shows, in general hardcore's show are like a festival, almost you never touch the floor, because all time people launch you up, and you fly over the heads of everyone and fall over their shoulders or heads, and the same people makes you advance to the stage ( people call this "stage diving" or simply "stage"), and this photograph show when all the people want to sing with the singer, but literally, taking the microphone, across all the people by a "stage". Also hardcore music had a lot of "chorus", this is when in the record many people sing some tenses, and you notice all the voices screaming, so when the band play those songs everyone jump to the stage to sing with the band over the stage, and that's is too normally in these shows, and this photograph show it too.
Normaly hardcore is associate with "violence", but it isnt's in all the cases, there are a lots of possitives hardcore show's, and those are like a catharsis for everyone, because the message of the band is, actually, against the violence. And this photograph show not just the energy, also the emotion too, there is euphoria not violence.

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

My favourite Hobby

Well, my favourite hobby is read novels, but usually existentialist novels. Normally you must to read many books in the school, but i really started to love it, since i have to read El Tunel of Ernesto Sabato, when i was 15. Since that book, i found something new in books, i found a strange feeling that mixed up love-sadness-death-loneliness, but now in Latinoamerica, so i felt it too close to me. After i complete that feeling reading Sobre Héroes y tumbas and i understood better the thinking of Sabato.
Also i found the same feeling with Cortázar, Benedetti, Borges, and too in writters from all the world like Kundera, Sartre, Camus and Salinger.
Everytime that i don't have to study i read some books that i'm interested in, or i write the university reports about of novels that i love. I think that the main thing when you read, is feel the history as it was your own life, when you identify with a history, you don't feel lonely with you ideas and feelings, you start to understand that there are a lot of people that is loving, suffering, feeling like you.